
The process of masterplanning is creating a comprehensive plan that outlines the overall strategy for designing and implementing the network.

  • Network architecture: outlining the overall design of the network, including the number of fibers required, the location of network elements, and the type of equipment needed.
  • Capacity planning: determining the amount of bandwidth needed to support the current and future needs of users.
  • Risk management: identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.
  • Service level agreements: outlining the level of service that will be provided to users and the associated service level targets.
  • Scalability: ensuring that the network is designed to be scalable, so that it can easily expand to meet the future needs of users.
  • Regulatory compliance: ensuring that the network complies with all relevant national and local regulations.
  • Economic viability: determining the economic feasibility of the project and identifying potential revenue streams.